Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sharon's Sorbet

We had purchased two pints of sorbet (in a 2 for 1 special) called Sharon's Sorbet. For dinner on Monday night, Nina had eaten really well so Erin gave Nina the choice for dessert, "Nina do you want the raspberry or coconut sorbet for dessert?"
Nina thought, said, "Um, raspberry." Each of us got a portion. After scrumptuously eating her portion, Nina then asked, "Bite of coconut!" :D

Of course she had to wait until the next day to try the coconut, which I might add is pleasantly and surprisingly rich and creamy! Coconut is DEEEEEEELICIOUS!

Yesterday Erin baked her famous Ginger Snap cookies. Yesterday and today, Nina has been gobbling them up after meals! For dinner tonight, Erin asked Nina what she would like for dessert? Erin was expecting Ginger snap since that had been the predominant trend. Nina responded with, "Coconut ice cream!" Memoire elephant!

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