Thursday, March 29, 2007


Every morning since Monday, Nina has gotten up and opened her door to come and greet us in our bed! Incredible how quickly she begins a new routine! Thankfully she has not realized that she has the ability to roam the house.

Erin told me that at the start of Nina's nap today, Erin was in the kitchen, came out, and saw a shadow moving behind the piano. It was NIna. She had gotten out of bed, opened the door, and sat down behind the piano (which is at an angle from the wall). Fortunately Nina did not put up much resistance.

There are two French language DVDs at the library. I'm looking forward to picking them up. Hopefully they'll be good. Bonjour Les Amis Vol 1 & 2

We're up to 31 house showings. We're praying. I wonder what God has in store for us this weekend!

Erin and I are both excited about the upcoming Harry Potter book (last volume in the summer) and movie (in the fall). We've been fans since just before the first movie and quickly caught up on the books.

I have been consolidating emails to use my Google Mail Account. I'm slowly making the switch.

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