Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Sunday was Mother's Day. We celebrated by having Erin not change any diapers, however, that was the intention. There were a couple of times when Erin changed the diapers, but by her own volition.

We spoke with Mom & Dad in New York, but unfortunately we had some technical difficulties. Firstly, we did not have our web cam (yes, it was packed) so we could see them, but not vice versa. Furthermore, the video cam was via MSN messenger and their account could not receive any messages, and consequently did not receive any voice from us. So we could see and hear them, but they were deaf & blind with respect to us. Talk about a one-sided conversation.

For lunch I made some Laksa complete with rice noodles. Yum.

For the afternoon we were outside where Nina played ball. Grandpa grilled hot dogs and Landjägers. This ended with Nina having a wonderful dessert with a cookie plus double dutch chocolate cake! She had a wee bit of energy afterwards, so we went for a walk during which Nina was able to play on some slides!

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