Friday, July 20, 2007


We began the day by going to the American Club. There we went for a swim and a lady and child we had seen in the past asked Erin if she and Nina would like to have a play date. Unfortunately it was our last day in Singapore.

As we were leaving the children's library (a place we frequently visited), the staff presented Nina with a Giraffe stuffed animal! Wow, we were pleasantly surprised.

Koung koung went to buy roti-prata for us (especially Nina) to eat on the plane for last time, Nina got lasagna as their "kids meal."

We had the pleasure of meeting up with Gilbert, my cousin. It had been at least 10 years since we'd last met.

THE 15-hour flight began at 4:45pm Singapore local time.
Nina began well. The flight attendants liked talking to her.
Between the three different meals we got (children's meal, Erin's regular menu-item of chicken curry, and my non-dairy vegetarian meal that had "beef") Nina did eat some dinner.

She quickly fell asleep once the cabin lights were dimmed following her bedtime routine.

Erin was not able to sleep. I dozed occasionally.

11 hours later, Nina awoke!

We ate breakfast and landed approximately 15 hours later at 5:25pm on Wednesday L.A. local time!

We got to the hotel and enjoyed the fact that it was free from the points accumulated long-ago.

Nina and I went swimming in the luke-warm pool as we heard planes close by taking off and landing.

We ate dinner and went to bed.

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