Thursday, February 1, 2007

A week of waiting...

This is it, well, almost. February 2nd is the date that we'll find out if we are going to be moving to Hanover, NH for Nicolas to attend Tuck School of Business. While applications have also been sent elsewhere, Tuck is our hope. It is our perfect fit. We'll just have to wait and see if they think so too. A small, safe community in a beautiful location, with an active partner's club, and even a club for "Tiny Tuckies" just sounds like home for us. Calls have begun to go out to accepted applicants on the east coast this afternoon, so all we can do now is hope and wait, wait and wait!

All of this talk of moving and possible life changes in our future started me thinking about the last year. So much has changed in a year's time, especially Nina. She is growing, learning and changing in such a short period of time. I was reminiscing while looking at photos today and it is simply amazing. Where did my baby go? What a difference a year can make...

January 15, 2006

January 11, 2007

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