We've been snowed in! Ok, maybe not quite bad, but we were fortunate this past week to have quite "balmy" weather (40 degrees F). However, Friday 6pm - Sunday 6pm is a winter storm watch and we've received about 6in so far. Total forecast is 18in!
I just finished making some juice for Erin, Nina, and myself:
Erin/Nina: carrot/apple/ginger
myself: carrot/celery/ginger/collard green/wheat grass
We all like the fresh juices in the morning. Sometimes I make it in the evening also.
Speaking of which, Nina experienced her first power-outage (blackout) last night. It was from 5:45pm - 9pm. She was initially shocked/surprised and of course knew something was wrong. Fortunately Erin called her down and we lit many candles. She had a good time later as she "ran" back and forth between us.
So we have "hot water heat" in our house. Great. It's nice because supposedly it will keep the house warm when there's no electricity, right? Wrong! We can heat the water, but there's a little electric pump that circulates the water throughout the house. Of course there's no optional battery power unit (which would be an awesome thing to have). So I was a bit concerned that the house would have frozen pipes. Thankfully it did not.
The past couple of days we have been cleaning/organizing and selling "clutter" in our house. Yesterday morning a realtor came by and did a quick assessment walk through. It's becoming increasingly real.
Erin says that there are 5 other houses snow blowing right now, so I'll be out there soon.